Legal mentions
In accordance with the provisions of the law of 06/01/1978, this website was the object of a prior declaration to the National Data Protection Commission (CNIL). Declaration number: 1679140v0.
Personal information and personal data protection
This entire website falls under French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property. All copyrights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic documents. Generally, you may visit the Buybox website without having to reveal your identity or provide personal information. However, we may occasionally request information from you. For example, to process an order, to register for our services, to exchange correspondence, provide a subscription or to submit an application for a position. Buybox gathers statistical data on its website, while maintaining the confidentiality and anonymity of visitors. Respecting the personal privacy of visitors is a fundamental value of Buybox. The paragraphs below provide further information about our confidentiality policy with regard to Buybox visitors.
Right to access personal information
If you have contacted us by e-mail or through a form on the website, your name and contact details will be saved in order to process your order. This information is kept on a secure and isolated platform. Under no circumstances shall Buybox sell personal information or contacts to third parties. Any development likely to affect the protection of your online personal data will be posted on the Buybox website.In accordance with the ‘Data Protection Law’ of January 6th 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete information that relates to you. You may exercise this right by writing to us at communication@oonetic.com.
Confidentiality and traffic measuring on our website
Buybox monitors traffic on its website to improve content and browsing comfort. This monitoring is performed by a traffic measuring solution developed by Buybox. It does not gather any personal information on visitors to Buyboxs’ websites. This solution only collects anonymous data which is impossible to link to personal information.
1. Data collection
Buybox only stores IP (internet protocol) data temporarily in order to identify a visit in progress, and to track visitor paths (the order of pages viewed). Once the anonymous data has been recorded, the IP address is then deleted. The IP address is never linked to anonymous data in order to create an individual profile. Buybox saves data on web pages viewed, average time spent on each page and the duration of the visit in order to generate general statistics on traffic to its website. Landing and exit pages, as well as respective reference links and search engine key words are also stored. Buybox stresses that this data is strictly anonymous and it is used with the sole intention of understanding general traffic trends on its website.
2. Limited use of cookies
For more information on cookies, you can visit the website of the CNIL (National Data Protection Commission), or the CookieCentral website (in English). Buybox uses cookies to recognise returning visitors and to accelerate the resolution of IP addresses (which helps to view groups of visitors sent by the same reference link). Our cookies do not include any personal information on the visitor. They are used for the website to recognise its members or customers and facilitate a new request.
3. Who can access this data?
Only authorised Buybox employees can view the consolidated statistics. Viewing of these anonymous reports is password-protected. Our employees are contractually obliged to respect the confidentiality of this data. Buybox reserves the right to share the consolidated data of its website and/or a demo version of this data with its potential customers or its partners, advertisers, sponsors or other third party companies.
4. Where is the data stored?
Data relating to Buybox customers is stored with its web host, through a network equipment system dedicated to data protection. Data is stored for 3 years.
5. Visitor agreement
By visiting this site, the user accepts the collection of data as set out in this privacy policy.
6. Links to other sites
This website contains links to other websites which may not fall under the scope of application of this privacy statement. Buybox is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of other websites.
No spam on Buybox
The Buybox newsletter is sent to anyone who has registered with Buybox. This newsletter informs members of the companys latest news and services. Buybox may also propose newsletter subscriptions from our partner brands. Subscription to the Buybox newsletter or those of its partners can be managed at all times. Buybox does not subscribe anyone against their will. If the subscriber believes that they did not sign up to the Buybox newsletter, we ask them to inform us via the Contact Us option or they can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the newsletter.
BUYBOX, SAS with a capital of 340 752,50 euros – RCS Toulouse B 524 902 236
VAT Number: FR 87 524902236
Headquarters: 10 place Alfonse Jourdain, 31000 TOULOUSE, FRANCE
Ownership: Ce site est la propriété de la SAS OONETIC
Director of Publication: Marc Guedj – +33 561 071 219
Hosting: Webflow
Buybox is a registered trademark (INPI 3812548).