Gift card market figures in the Second Hand industry
How are second-hand brands performing in the gift card market?
Environmental concern, cost saving, vintage craze, ... the second-hand market is doing very well with double-digit growth. Second hand players are becoming more popular, and the e-gift card has become a must-have for these brands.
Read this report, to know the average performance of gift card programs in this industry.
In this report, you will find
- The average face value of a gift card in B2C and B2B
- The best performances on the B2C and B2B gift card markets
- The sales share of each type of reseller partner and the commissions applied
- Annual sales volume variation
- All the relevant information to estimate your potential ROI
- Insights from gift card experts in your industry
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Dans ce livre blanc, vous trouverez
16 actions concrètes pour optimiser les ventes de cartes cadeaux
Des campagnes pour cibler le marché B2C et B2B
Des exemples de communication de grandes marques pour Noël
Des conseils sur le lancement idéal des différentes campagnes