How Mondial Tissus Generates In-Store Traffic Through Its Gift Card?

Mondial Tissus, a leader in haberdashery and fabric sales, aims to implement an omnichannel gift card, available both digitally and physically, to strengthen the synergy between its e-commerce website and its network of stores. Today, Mondial Tissus generates in-store traffic through its omnichannel gift card.


In this case study, you will find:

• Detailed results of Mondial Tissus' performance

• How Mondial Tissus implemented its omnichannel gift card

• Insights from Xavier, Operational Marketing and Merchandising Manager


"Buybox is THE specialist in the gift card market. They support us in this sometimes complex market to which they are 100% dedicated."

Xavier Bergerioux - Operational Marketing and Merchandising Manager

Mondial Tissu use case

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Dans ce livre blanc, vous trouverez

16 actions concrètes pour optimiser les ventes de cartes cadeaux
Des campagnes pour cibler le marché B2C et B2B
Des exemples de communication de grandes marques pour Noël
Des conseils sur le lancement idéal des différentes campagnes

Ready to increase the revenue generated with your gift card?