Scoring grid to evaluate your gift card program

The e-commerce and retail market is highly competitive. It's crucial for brands and retailers to regularly and effectively assess their gift card programs.

We provide a comprehensive evaluation tool to help brands measure their programs against specific criteria, identify areas for improvement, and ensure long-term impact and substantial return on investment.

Explore the 63 selected criteria (+16 bonus) we've curated to assess the performance of your program across all three pillars: B2C, B2B, and Distribution

gift card scoring grid

Fill in the form to download the white paper

Fill in the form to download the customer case study

Fill in the form to download the report with figures

Dans ce livre blanc, vous trouverez

16 actions concrètes pour optimiser les ventes de cartes cadeaux
Des campagnes pour cibler le marché B2C et B2B
Des exemples de communication de grandes marques pour Noël
Des conseils sur le lancement idéal des différentes campagnes

Ready to increase the revenue generated with your gift card?